Motivation & Discipline

This is something that took me a long time to learn but wanted to share my thoughts. I always thought that motivation was the most important thing. I would say to myself “I have to get motivated to workout”. I would talk about internal motivation vs. external motivation. Some people need external motivation to workout whereas others are internally motivated.

I observe that many people will get motivated to workout. Perhaps it’s the new year and the person makes a resolution to workout. They are motivated by that. They will begin January 1st with a goal of getting in better shape or losing weight. I also observe that many of them will stop after a short time and revert back. Why is that? I guess the motivation wears off.

What I learned is that discipline is more important than motivation. Motivation is good for some time but discipline will carry you through. For me, I learned how to become disciplined and make exercise a part of my life. It has become part of my daily routine. I became disciplined by incorporating daily habits. It may start small, very small. Like doing a couple of pushups or going for a walk. It was a mindset shift. Something that I made a deliberate decision for.

One day I decided that exercise would just become part of what I do and who I am. Why is this important? Because motivation is good to give you a boost and get you going but when motivation subsides, discipline will carry you through.

Let me try and explain through an analogy. The NFL football is having a bad season and at some point during the season, they fire the head coach and hire an interim football coach. Almost always, the team does better with the interim coach then they did with the previous coach. Why? Because it was a change seen for the positive. The new coach comes in with a fire, intensity, and gets everyone motivated to do well. It’s the honeymoon phase if you will.

However, at some point the motivation wears off and the team reverts back to a normal routine. The normal routine is based on the discipline they all have to continue to excel. If there has been a lack of discipline, the team will revert back to this. When all motivation wears off and adversity hits, we fall back to our habits. If our habits are not satisfactory, will not be satisfactory. If our discipline and work we put in is outstanding, we will eventually become outstanding. The teams that ultimately have the best discipline, the best habits, will be the teams that succeed. Of course, great players help also. But usually the great players are great because of the discipline they have in their habits, their work ethic, their mindset to be great.

For exercise and fitness, I am not trying to win gold medals or win competitions. I am trying to be as healthy and strong as I can for as long as I can. I envision myself as that 90 year old man who is out there running and lifting and still being able to function well with my family. It’s not motivation that carries me, it’s my daily habits, discipline that I have built into my daily life that carries me. There are days when I am absolutely not motivated, days I do not want to get out of bed, days that I am just not feeling it. On those days especially, it is my discipline that carries me. Perhaps it wasn’t the best workout, perhaps I just went through the motions, perhaps I lifted light or ran slow or even walked slow. But I did it anyway. I accomplished it even in my worst. Even with that, I take solace in knowing I did better than laying around all days. I did something. Discipline did that, motivation did not.

I encourage everyone to consider building habits. Start small, stay consistent, but do something and build on it. There is a saying in football “get 1% better every day”. That is the mindset needed. Start at 0% and work at it. Walk 10 feet farther tomorrow than you did today. Start with no weights and build up to very light weights. Move your arms, shoulders, abs, legs, back, chest a little bit and build on it. Ultimately discipline is the key to success in anything we do.

Discipline is hard, it requires a person to dig deep and find what works for them. I have learned about myself and what it takes for me to accomplish these things. Each person must find what works for them. And this discipline carries through for me in all other aspects of my life. Whether it’s work, spending time with family, writing a blog post, or writing a book. Motivation will be a start but discipline will get you through. It takes time a relentless effort. It is so hard but it is so worth it. Have a great day!