Outlaw Shit!

There is a song I heard yesterday and like a lot. It’s by Bryan Martin and it’s called “Everyone’s An Outlaw”. It is a very good song and the main theme is a saying I have heard before “Everyone’s an outlaw, until it’s time to do outlaw shit!”.

This is something that resonates with me heavily. I have a coached football for many years and also been around coaches, they all talk about the process. Everyone is trying to win a championship but you really have to embrace and trust the process to have a chance. The process is messy, it’s ugly., it sucks. But it’s necessary. Not just necessary but essential to perform the process at a high level. There are sayings like how you work in the dark will show up greatly in the light. Doing the things that suck matter the most.

I listen to David Goggins a lot. If you do not know David Goggins I encourage you to look him up as he has a tremendous story. He said something one day. People ask him all of the time how to do what he does. Everyone sees him accomplish the things he accomplishes and they want that. He tells them that even if I told you what I do, you won’t do it because it sucks. He describes the worst pain you can imagine and pushing past it with everything he has. He said most people will quit long before that. They are not willing to sacrifice and do what it takes.

I was watching a TikTok video the other day and there was a young person saying something about how people have steered him wrong. He described that he bought a house based on what people recommended. He said it sucks. He didn’t realize all of the work it takes to keep it up and he hates it. He said he was selling it as soon as possible and going back to a condo and pay someone else to take care of it. You see, a lot of people want the glory of owning a home but is not willing to do what it takes to maintain it. There are a lot of benefits and reward to owning a home. In fact, most of the wealth in this country was accumulated through real estate. Yes, it takes work, it must be maintained, and yes you are responsible, but it is worth it.

I have a pool now for the first time. I hear people talk about how having a pool sucks. It takes so much work and expense to just have it available a few months of the year. They are correct. It takes a lot of consistent work and effort. I have had to learn a lot and am getting better at it. It does really suck at times. But when all of my family, friends and others come here to get together in the summer such as 4th of July, it is so worth it.

Kids watch sports and see the championship and see the people celebrating, having parades, smoking cigars, hugging each other. the media is all over it. It’s celebrated heavily. They want that and a dream is born. Nobody bothers to tell them that the championship game is three hours, the parade is a couple of hours, media covers us for a couple of 30 minutes segments but to get all of that it took hard work, dedication, and consistent effort at a high level every single day for a very long time. It takes a lot to build your skill well enough to be able to play at the level. There is a lot more suck than good feelings. You must be willing to do the outlaw shit to be an outlaw. You must do championship level practice by yourself to be able to win a championship.

Read the lessons from Kobi Bryant, Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Lebron James, and others who are the best to ever do it. They will tell you what it takes. If it was easy everyone would do it. Let’s not have the attitude that we don’t want to put in the work because it is not worth it. To have anything in life with a high reward you should understand to get there it sucks. The higher the reward the more the process sucks.

You want the benefits of home ownership including the wealth that comes with it, do the work required. You want the championships, practice like a champion every day by yourself, have discipline. You want to host family gatherings and enjoy the fun a pool brings, do the work. To be anything of significance, it takes a process that often sucks. It’s hard. But I believe that all of that suck is worth it. Let’s go after it and change our mindset!